Mary Helen,

Our school district just adopted the Toolkit as our reading program. (My 
school is in year 3 of the reader's workshop with the strategies.) However, 
I met with a group of ladies from another site who had gone to the training 
with Stephanie Harvey's Consultant and it was fabulous! I sat down and asked 
them what questions they had for me. Many of them were very thought 
provoking.  Some of them were very simple. Our district is relatively new 
with the PLC idea, but having been a curriculum instructor and a classroom 
teacher I have learned the best approach for me is "What can I do to help 
you with this new idea?"  My advice would be to allow the participants who 
need to make "small steps" that opportunity. If there is one thing I learned 
as a curriculum instructor it is not every goes "full throttle" with a new 
idea like me! :-)  Your enthusiasm for this will also lead! Many people see 
our passion and excitement and usually they will grab on!! Good Luck!!

Lynnelle Winter
5th Grade West Intermediate
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mary Helen Chappetto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Listserv" 
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:04 PM
Subject: [MOSAIC] RIT with Stephanie Harvey continued...

>I just spent 2 fabulous days learning from Stephanie Harvey along with 14 
>staff members from my school.  The only other school that out-numbered us 
>was Ginger's....Liberty!  Way to go!
> I had a great conversation with Ginger (so nice to put a face with the 
> name!)  It was like meeting a 'rock star'!  My staff did not understand my 
> excitement because they are new to mosaic...I hope some of them have 
> signed on to learn!
> As I told Ginger, I have been a "lurker" on the site, was off for a while, 
> but have been back for a bit....reading and trying to refresh and 
> learn/relearn about the strategies.  Now I am officially a 'poster'!
>  Hearing Stephanie Harvey speak and feeling her passion was incredible.  I 
> would love to know if there are any 'newbies' out there who are just 
> getting started and others who are veterans who can support the newbies in 
> the quest to be better teachers of thinkers.
> I think of the great conversations that happened upon the release of both 
> Mosaic and STW last summer as well as To Understand by Ellin Keene this 
> summer.....the book conversations were and have been, as always, 
> thoughtful.
>  What I wonder....for those of you that have been part of the growth of a 
> professional learning community using Comprehension strategies,  and have 
> witnessed the positive impact, would you share the approach you took?  Is 
> there anything in particular you did to get started?  What is the one 
> piece of advice/experience/wisdom you would share for those of us just 
> embarking on this venture?  What obstacles did you face and how did you 
> face them?
> Mary Helen
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