I agree with Lori, if kids are given equal access to text they tend to "step 
up" if you will.  

But to answer your question in another way...build a community of learners!!!  
I cannot stress enough how important building community is to your kiddos.  
They learn to respect each others' differences and strengths.  

Thinking more on this, there is no way to prevent kids from being kids.  But 
you control behavior in the academic setting.  Build community, make your 
expectations VERY clear as to how to respond and talk to each other (lots of 
modeling in the first few weeks of school) and don't put up with arrogance.

Good luck to you,

 Kristin Mitchell/4th/CO 
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

----- Original Message ----
From: Raymond E Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Is there a way to prevent a student with an advanced reading comprehension 
level from thinking he/she is better than students at a lesser reading 
comprehension level?

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