I think that the previous posts are correct- if you don't make it an issue, 
usually the kids don't either.
I talk extensively with my first graders about how some books are a good fit 
for one person but not another. There is a good lesson using shoes in The Daily 
Five book. The basic metaphor is that even though two students might be wearing 
running shoes they don't fit the other person, just like similar books might be 
too hard or too easy for some people. 
The community of learners is also wonderful. We do a lesson with our 
gifted/talented teacher about multiple intelligences. It is nice for the kids 
to see that even though they might not be a "word smart" fast reader, they 
might be "number smart" or "people smart." It shows them that they all have 
different gifts. I also have the kids help each other when I think it is 
Briana/1st-2nd Looper/MN
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