Hi everyone,
I'm hoping you can help me help a friend.  She is piloting a new balanced
literacy program that includes reading workshop.  She is finding her lowest
students have trouble making connections.  Any connection that they make is
very literal.  Instead of using text, she thought she might start with
pictures.  She thought she would show a picture of her son playing soccer.
I suggested that she tell her students "this is a picture of my son doing
something that he likes to do.  What do you like to do?".  She also thought
she would show a picture of a celebration such as a birthday and ask them to
make connections.  Is she on the right track with these students?  3 out of
the 5 are second language learners.  I think one of the reasons they make
literal connections is because they lack the background knowledge.  How do
you build that?  Is there something she should read?  TIA for your help and


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