If there would be a way to begin your first study group with release time,
that would be ideal.  Once teachers get used to doing study group, they find
it so helpful that they are then willing to prioritize it during their
before or after school time.

My first impulse was to schedule once every 3-4 weeks because that would
make study group not be too demanding on their time.  Wrong.  I've never had
good success with study groups that met less often than every two weeks.
Experience in my case has taught me that most teachers would rather meet
intensely once a week for a shorter time period than biweekly for twice as
long.  Before or after school depends so much on babysitting arrangements,
commutes, etc. that I don't think there's a general rule; it's just staff

Another idea for a book such as the one you've chosen is for the teachers to
"read" the whole book through simply as an overview after your first
meeting.  Not with highlighting, notetaking, rereading, deep thinking - just
to get a "framework" of the book - kind of a survey technique.  Then when
they come back together, as a group you can break it apart into chunks for
the rest of the study.

If you have any further questions that I can answer, I'd be glad to help.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:11 AM, SPINELLO, Carol <

> Hello All,
> I have been asked by our district reading coordinator to facilitate a group
> of K, 1, and 2 teachers through the Fountas and Pinnell book, Guided
> Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children. I am looking for suggestions
> on how to best accomplish this so that it is meaningful for the teachers
> involved. Has anyone broken down the text to do this as a book study? Does
> anyone have suggestions on when to meet? (Before school, afterschool,
> release time, planning time etc.) Any help you can send my way would be much
> appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Carol
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