Hi Lori,
This is our second year in the "balanced literacy" mode.  They push us to use a 
center-based approach.  The problem in our school is that the behavior is so 
bad that it is hard to keep kids on task.  My reading block is finally moving 
more smoothly.  Our school suffers from a high turnover rate, also.  Our 
schools sound very similar.  Our reading coach doesn't do much besides 
criticize, though.  She models to the first year teachers, but offers no real 
suggestions.  I am hearing teachers talking about going back to whole class 
reading instruction because of the behaviors.  It breaks my heart because we 
are finally making strides with getting these kids reading by doing the guided 
reading groups.  Are you doing something beyond the guided reading groups that 
is particularly helpful?  Our grade level just has particularly badly behaved 
students this year.  We each have 6 pretty serious behavior problems, and I 
actually have 10 out of 17 that are behavior problems.  It is hard to keep them 
on task with center work.  I also have 8 that are reading below grade level.  I 
have four that have moved from preprimer to first, and two that are still at 
primer.  Two other have moved to beginning second grade.  It would be nice to 
move them faster.  I'd love any suggestions.   
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