In a message dated 2/21/2009 9:37:10 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

What  were the major flaws in the Project Follow Through  research?
    As you probably know, research with children is  "messy." The outstanding 
mess I see with DI research is something I also  observed in DI schools. In 
order to implement the DI program correctly, there  must be two adults in the 
classroom. This is described in the Follow  Through Research and was a huge eye 
opener for me.   I think that  is a major factor and something I am seeing 
with my own class this year with two  teachers. What a difference I see between 
how my class behaves with two of us in  the morning and one of us in the 
afternoon!  I would like to see the DI  research done with one teacher ( no 
aide) , 
or balanced literacy research  done with two teachers or a teacher and a 
trained aide. Then come to me and show  me the numbers. There are also some 
philosophy issues like compliance. How would  DI work in a classroom of 
thinkers who were taught to question  authority and allowed to move about the 
classroom? Just a couple of things that  hit me in the head like a ton of 
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