
We are actually phasing out DRAs for the same reasons that you mentioned plus 
the fact that there isn't a correlation between the DRA levels for students 
when they leave 2nd grade and when they take our state's standardized test in 
3rd grade.  Our system initially sent several people to a "Train the trainers" 
workshop with the company.  Then they returned to teach everyone else.  That 
was about ten years ago.  Now the curriculum coaches train any new teachers.

Kate in NC 

"What children can do together today, they can do alone tomorrow."  - Lev 
From: Sandy Stevens []
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 4:35 PM
Subject: [MOSAIC] DRA

I am a Title 1 teacher in a small rural school.  I have been asked to do a
training for staff on administering the DRA.  As I am exploring the needs
and the practices in my school, I am now hesitant to do this.  But then
again, I guess that is why it was recognized that there is a need for this
kind of training.

There are great inconsistencies in how teachers are administering the DRA.
 Teachers have admitted to prompting kids and many say they "push" the
kids as far as they feel they can go.  On occasions when I do the DRA's, I
find the levels I get are much lower than what the teachers get.  Many
times as much as 3 or 4 levels lower.  We even have several 1st graders
who are supposdly at level 30.

Some teachers are doing great.  But others are not doing the comprehension
piece and, to top it off, some teachers are doing the older version of
DRA(which does not account for fluency)and a few are doing the DRA2.  As I
am exploring the DRA 2, I see that there is a big difference between the

When I go to IEP referral meetings, I often notice that there is a
difference between the reading levels that I test kids at and the levels
that classroom teachers test at.  Also, many 2nd grade teachers have
expressed that the kids coming in the fall are at much lower levels than
the 1st grade teachers have documented that they are at, even taking into
consideration the loss during the sumer break.

I have a great rapport with all the teachers here.  But even with that, I
try not to express my opinion unless asked.  I have previously worked in a
school where teachers were very resentful to have anyone outside their
classroom give suggestions, so I try to not advise unless asked.

A big part of the problem is that there has never been any training of the
DRA, formal or otherwise.  The previous administrators bought the kits and
just expected teachers to figure it out.  I believe they are trying to do
their best.

 I am not a trained reading coach and I am not a reading specialist,
though my Master's is in reading.  And while I want to help,  I think they
need someone from the DRA company to come and do a training.  But you know
how it is, money is tight and budgets are continually cut.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Sandy in WI
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