We have had successful implementation of PLCs in my school. They are formed 
 in grade levels with a member of the school's instructional leadership 
team as  facilitator. The facilitator begins each year by helping each team  
establish ground rules. Then, on a half-size chart tablet the team lists  
questions or concerns related to students or instruction. The facilitator  
to help the team decide upon one question they want to research. THe team  
decides upon how they will work to resolve their question...it could be 
outside  reading, bringing in an outside person as a resource...Each team is 
required to  keep a chart tablet with minutes from each session and they meet 
every two weeks  for 45 minute sessions. The tablet is used not only to keep 
the PLC focused, but  as a way of sharing what is going in with other grade 
In a message dated 6/19/2009 7:31:33 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
mrsjro...@aol.com writes:

I know  that some of you have been involved in PLC's in the past. Would you 
share your experiences? I am moving grade levels next year and the team  
that I  am joining is piloting PLC's in our building - maybe the  district 
- not 
sure  about that. I am trying to learning as much as I  can before we 
to   school.



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