I am moving to a new grade level in the same school and my new team is  
piloting PLC's in our building. From my understanding, this is the way it will  
work. Our team consists of 5 teachers. One each language arts, math, 
science,  social studies and 1 special education teacher (me). Our team leader, 
the  science teacher, has had some training in structuring the PLC's so this 
is what  from my understanding is to take place. Prior to the beginning of 
school, we are  to have our curriculum maps broken down into basically three 
week blocks. The  first three weeks will primarily be procedures and content 
review. So at the  beginning of the year. we will be meeting daily for a 
while to start with  planning our second three week block. We will bring our 
materials, activities,  assessments and everything we plan to use to the table 
and then the five of us  will work together to evaluate, make 
recommendations, and support each other as  we develop every thing for this 
second 3 week 
block. There is a framework from  which we work - don't have mine yet but I 
am trying to obtain information about  it.So basically while we are 
teaching one three week block we will be in the  planning and refining for the 
three week block. Does this explanation make  sense? Jennifer and others - 
does this sound familiar?
Grade 7 Language Arts / Special Needs KY
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