"I've never heard of scaffolded silent reading.  I may be able to take a guess 
at what it is but could you explain it to us instead?"

I had also never heard of scaffolded silent reading.  I did a search and found 
a clear explanation, research, and conference sheet samples:

It makes a lot of sense because it adds in the accountability piece that is 
lacking in traditional SSR, but I still struggle with holding children 
accountable for their personal reading time.  A lot of time is spent filling 
out homework reading logs and in-school reading logs.  The scaffolded silent 
reading seems is more about teacher conferencing and teacher as record keeper.  
I wonder if you couldn't accomplish the same thing through conversation, 
anecdotal notes, and asking children to do book chats about books they are 
reading and enjoying?

Leslie R.Stewart
Grade 3 Teacher
To feel most beautifully alive means to be reading something beautiful,  ready 
always to apprehend in the flow of language the sudden flash of poetry.  ~ 
Gaston Bachelard ~
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