Shannon wrote:
I'd also be curious to know if people  
would like to share a couple of their "newer" or "just discovered"  
books and how they use them in their classroom.  

I discovered this series I will use this year to build build classroom
community and positive behaviors. The books are simple and short:

PreS-Gr. 1. From the Learning to Get Along series, these colorful books
encourage children to learn social skills. In Listen an African American boy
explains what listening means: keeping quiet, watching the person who talks,
thinking about what is being said, and asking questions when he doesn't
understand. He also talks about using those skills in the classroom and at
home. Similarly, in Share a red-haired girl learns techniques for sharing,
then shows how she shares and takes turns when playing at home with her
sister and friends. Each book ends with the child feeling good about using
his or her new skills. The bright line-and-wash illustrations feature
multiracial groups of children engaged in familiar activities. The writing
is purposeful, but it is also practical in approach and sensitive to the
problems and feelings of young children. A good choice for teachers seeking
books that reinforce familiar classroom messages.

 I am thinking that after each read-aloud, the class will write in their
journals and we can interactively create a list of classroom standards. I
teach second and since the books are such easy reads, I also could pair up
the students to read, respond, and share a book. 

I would like to display the books alongside the list throughout the year so
students can access them easily.  I think the books will give us talking
points for discussion when discipline issues come up throughout the year.
Any other ideas?

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