Good teachers know that the idea that if a child hasn't "learned to read" by the end of 3rd grade he or she is doomed is nonsense. But it has been bought hook, line, and sinker by the public, the media, many administrators, and people who have no business sticking their nose in a classroom but who wield lots of power in the dissemination world.

And because THOSE people believe it and are driving much of what goes on in the classroom these days, well..... self-fulfilling prophecy and all that..... unless the teacher digs in his or her heels.


On Sep 5, 2009, at 8:32 PM, Ellen Schwartz wrote:


Thank you for this story! I am always mortified when I hear people say (authoritatively, no less) that if a child hasn't "learned to read" by the end of 3rd grade he or she is doomed. Of course that will be the case if we believe it to be and give up on the child. We need stories like the one you have shared to counteract all those baseless generalizations about human limitation.


"Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation."
~Oscar Wilde

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