I am in my 7th year of teaching, and am trying to start up an individualized
spelling program for my 2nd graders, starting with the 2nd semester next
week. I've done some research, but am interested in some practical thought
and advice based on experience! Also, I would be interested in any theories
or ideas behind giving spelling tests. I ditched them a few years ago
because I found my 1st graders were either struggling through the entire
thing (becoming frustrated, and not learning anything in the process), or
were acing every test because they already knew the words or were memorizing
them and not transferring to writing. I've also recognized this could have
been due to my poor implementation; I am a writer's workshop teacher through
and through, and wasn't devoting a lot of time to it.

So, please offer up your thoughts and advice!

Thank you,
Amy Tisinger
2nd Grade Teacher
Rainbow Bridge International School
Shanghai, China
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