BRAVO! We do these assessments for NCLB and the district. As educated teachers we know it is so much more. I would love to know what Tim Rasinski had replied...I just love the fact that he responded to you..shows passion and commitment. You should sell your assessment package..........shows your PASSION and commitment for excellence. Job well done.
Hillary Marchel
Reading Specialist North
"El fin de toda educacion debe ser seguramente el servicio a otros."
~ Cesar Chavez
"The end of all education should surely be service to others."
On Feb 11, 2010, at 7:20 AM, wrote:

I love reading this discussion of Aimsweb! I was so frustrated when our district used this program last year. It goes against EVERY single thing I know about reading instruction and reading assessment. Remember: "What gets measured, gets done!" I knew I did not want teaching for fast reading to get "done" in our district. I even emailed Tim Rasinski last year and got a great response about how he felt these 1 minute assessments were a travesty!

We (reading specialists) decided to write our own progress monitoring assessments that actually assess real reading: ALL aspects of fluency, accuraccy, comprehension (literal and inferential). We bought rigby texts and have created over 150 tests from levels 3-34. I don't think we knew what we were getting ourselves into when we started (over 800 pages of assessments!), and I'm not sure we would do it again. Now that it is done though, we are happy we did! We feel we actually get useful information this year. Yes, it does take longer to administer (although we don't do them every week), but as the IRA says, we shouldn't sacrifice quality for efficiency.

I say that anyone who is really unhappy with what they are using should keep speaking up and searching for something that makes sense!

Tricia Burke
Reading Specialist

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