Yes, I agree but I have to watch my budget so I have to say no to something!

Elisa Waingort
Grade 2 Spanish Bilingual Teacher
Spanish Learning Leader
Dalhousie Elementary
Calgary, Canada

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. 
They must be felt within the heart. 
—Helen Keller

The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and 
tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have 
neither good plumbing nor good philosophy: neither its pipes nor its theories 
will hold water.
-Former US Cabinet member John W. Gardner

Visit my blog, A Teacher's Ruminations, and post a message.

The title says 3 -6 but I think 2nd easily with slight changes in some
places or more demonstration/support from teacher.  I am a big fan of
reading books from my heroes like Lucy and Nancy Atwell and Ralph and Katie
Wood Ray.  And I am not a fan of too practical pre done activities.  This is
a rare combination of thoughtful and very hands on and I love the way it
supports children in taking ownership of their own learning.  Franki
Sibberson is often on the choice literacy website.  I find this book just
plain terrific and I've been doing workshop for a long long time.


On 6/13/11 2:08 PM, "Waingort Jimenez, Elisa" <>

> Hi Sally,
> Yes, I realized you were focusing on writing but really the same processes
> could be applied to writing.  So, getting ideas about what to write when
> you're reading is perfectly connected for me although making sense of those
> ideas would relate it to reading workshop more directly.  Making connections
> among books is reading and writing related.  Children need to be taught that
> rereading for meaning is perfectly acceptable and should be encouraged.  And,
> we revise our thinking all the time when we're reading.
> Does Sibberson's book have applications for grade 2?
> Elisa

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