John Cook, Nebraska's legendary volleyball coach, says, "It's all about the
reps.  All about the reps."  The question remains which reps.  I would
contend that a VB practice would include putting skills together that
really shouldn't have been taken apart would be more valuable than reps of
(1) running to the net, (2) at the net, jumping up with hand extended, (3)
from a jumping position, kill the ball.  You teach all the individual
skills THAT ARE NECESSARY IN THE LONG TERM to be successful.  Those simply
aren't isolated skills in any authentic reading task.  An example of poor
reps to do to succeed in the short term, but fail in the long term, would
be running pall mall across the court no matter what position you're
playing to return the ball even if it forces other players to disengage
from plans.  It's nice maybe, it looks like the girl is "hustling," but it
creates some very bad habits, even though it's real flashy up front.

Another favorite quote, "If you don't really know where you want to go, how
will you know when you get there?"

Leaders in education today seem to fail when it comes to panorama views.
 Sometimes you just have to change your viewer.

I also like, “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything
that can be counted counts.”  That's great to think about when we assess
the daylights out of everyone."

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 5:52 PM, <> wrote:

> My point exactly!
> Ali
> In a message dated 5/25/2012 7:46:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> I'm sure  if they wanted better basketball players, they would have the
> kids shoot a  million baskets each day. What are people thinking? What
> about
> kids that have  no support at home? And they will wonder why the gap keeps
> getting bigger?  Ugh!
> Sue Moore
> On May 25, 2012, at 6:53 PM, wrote:
> > I'm not sure why I'm posting this, other  than I'm searching for some
> > company in my despair.  Or  possibly you can lead me to some ways to deal
>  with
> > this  situation.
> >
> > Today, as we were closing up school for the year,  we were discussing
> next
> > year's kids and administration wanted  to know "how we were going to
> group
> > them."  (That in and  of itself always bothers me). However  the
> statement
> > that truly  sent me spinning, was in regard to giving the  students
> individual
> > reading time within class.  My administrator flat out  told  me (and my
> team),
> > " We do not give the students time to read in   class.  You must be
> working
> > with the students in small groups  and they  should be engaged in
> 'targeted
> > skills" not  reading."  Of course my response  was, "How do we expect our
> > students to become better readers if we don't  give them time to  read
> (of course
> > teaching them "how" to read)?"  She  simply  said, "They have to do that
> at
> > home."  Close of  discussion.
> > No one else on my "team" said anything...they just  agreed with her.
> > My heart sank.  I am so disappointed in the  direction our  education
> system
> > is taking us in my state and  county.  It's all about the  pass rate on
> the
> > test and  looking at data.  My students are so much more  than data!
> >  Ugh!  I'm sure you can all relate and have stories very similar  to
> mine.
> > I'm just disheartened. :-(
> >
> >  Ali/FL
> >
> >
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