Hi and sorry if this is duplicated -- I was in the middle of changing my
address and I think it didn't make it somehow?

This was from an earlier request for engaging reading for middle school
boys. Nancy replied to my recommendation of the Ben Mikaelson books,
Touching Spirit Bear and Ghost of Spirit Bear:

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Nancy Edwards <nanc5...@gmail.com> wrote:

> To get a perspective on the how Tlingit Indians view this novel you
> might want to check out Debbie Reese's blog American Indians in
> Children's Literature. Link below. Just another layer to consider when
> recommending books written about other cultures by non-members.
> Mrs. Nancy Edwards
> Teacher-Librarian
> St. Matthew School
> 1230 NE 127th St.
> Seattle, WA 98125
> 206-362-2785 x107
> www.stmattschool.org

Thank you very much! I totally appreciate this kind of advice. I used to
enjoy "Indian in the Cupboard"  ;/   until someone pointed out all the
problems (but that was way back). Likewise, I wonder if you or anyone else
has opinions on the (my view) wonderful Deborah Ellis series (aimed
somewhat younger) that begins with The Breadwinner (set in Afghanistan). I
know Ellis' Three Wishes got a lot of heat (banned, essentially) -- but
that one was much different than cultural appropriation.

Like one of the commenters at the blog (url above), I did not regard
Mikaelson's book as mainly a native story -- but that young adults must
perhaps be thrown onto their own resources. Much in the novel is actually
far fetched (in that respect). And -- if a person had the time, such
beliefs and criticisms could *also* be explored. Curious to hear others'
reactions to the blog -- but I am okay with no further discussion if people
regard it as problematic.

Linda Rightmire
SD #73, Kamloops, BC
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