Jan Helak pisze:
>  I have one last question. Final version will be builded with ap. 50 MB
> of polish text and 50 MB of english text. My computer has 3114632k total
> memory. It is enough for SRILM or I will need to use IRSTLM ?

Heh, 50 MB is not much but I doubt it could fit in your memory. It all 
depends on your data but you should get something like 50 MB gzipped 
giza alignment, with something like 300 MB ungzipped, and the phrase 
table can be several times bigger. For example, for one project I had 
200 MB input files, and got 1.2 GB gzipped text phrase table.

IRSTLM should save more memory, especially if you quantize and binarize. 
BTW, I find using IRSTLM is much less cumbersome than SRI.

Regards (and "nie ma za co")
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