
Thanks for you quick response.
But, will this cause a drop of BLEU, like, 0.5 point? 
I thinks that's too much...

I have run my baseline experiments three times, and got three different results.
The results for test set are: 0.2798, 0.2741, 0.2790. 
The first is run on server1 previously,
the second and the third are run recently,
while the second is run on server2, and the third is run on server1.

Now I don't know what is my baseline.


Lee Xianhua


发件人: Miles Osborne 
发送时间: 2010-01-11  16:12:38 
收件人: 李贤华 
抄送: moses-support 
主题: Re: [Moses-support] different servers + different time - differentresult? 
Giza++ and MERT both can produce different results, even when using
the same code, corpora etc.  This is because multiple solutions exist
and each time you run Moses, you find one of these (different) optima.
2010/1/11 李贤华 <08lixian...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I ran some experiments with moses like, half a year ago.
> And recently I ran them for a second time.
> The time I got the reuslts, I got confused.
> Beacause they're so different from those I got previously.
> The softwares I used was not changed, the same version.
> The corpus is of course the same. I just copied them.
> And I used the same script the run the experiments, just changed some
> directory.
> It seems I ran the same experiments on two different servers at different
> time, and got different results.
> I checked alignment results, aligned.grow-diag-and-final,
> and there're a lot of differences.
> I also checked moses.ini, and the parameters are greatly different.
> So, has anybody ever come into this situation? I'm really confused...
> Regards,
> Lee Xianhua
> ________________________________
> 2010-01-11
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