
You can download the latest version of greek-english Europarl corpus here http://www.statmt.org/europarl/ . You get a tgz file which is compressed. If you uncompress it, you will get two files, already sentence aligned, so you can skip the first script. then go directly to the tokenizer.


???? 11/11/2010 06:06 ??, O/H Shibamouli Lahiri ??????:
Dear All,

I am a newbie to Moses installation and training. I would like to train a translation model on Europarl el-en (Greek-English) corpus. I have installed Moses and downloaded the Europarl el-en corpus, but after that I'm stuck where to start. I looked into the accompanying Perl scripts. There are 3 scripts:

1> Sentence aligner

2> Tokenizer

3> Sentence splitter

The sentence aligner needs I think 2 separate files - one in Greek, another in English. But the el-en corpus is a single file, so I'm not sure if splitting that file into a Greek file and an English file will do the job, or I'll have to first run the sentence splitter or the tokenizer.

Thank you very much for your kind appreciation.


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