the -with-mm is required to compile Moses with the dynamic suffix array.
You can find more info here:

I guess the reference paper is this one by Uli Germann:
Ulrich Germann. 20014. "Dynamic Phrase Tables for Statistical Machine
Translation in an Interactive Post-editing Scenario". AMTA 2014 Workshop on
Interactive and Adaptive Machine Translation. Vancouver, BC, Canada.


On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 4:58 PM, Tom Hoar <
tah...@precisiontranslationtools.com> wrote:

>  I tried to find the purpose of the --with-mm flag. Can someone explain or
> point me to a paper?
> Thanks,
> Tom
> On 03/24/2015 10:49 PM, marco turchi wrote:
>    Hi All,
>  we have fixed the problem I reported yesterday.
> It is not clear to me the reason of that error, but I can compile Moses
> with the --with-mm flag, if in all the files inside the
> moses/TranslationModel/UG folder, I replace
>  typename ::uint64
>  with
>  ::uint64
>  The modified files are: mmsapt.h, sapt_pscore_unaligned.h,
> mm/ug_bitext.h, mm/ug_mm_tsa.h, mm/ug_tsa_base.h, mm/ug_tsa_bitset_cache.h
> and mm/ug_tsa_tree_iterator.h.
>  I compile Moses on a  x86_64-redhat-linux machine with gcc version 4.4.7
> 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11) (GCC), boost 1_55_0 and xmlrpc-c version 1_40_2.
>  I hope this can be useful if someone has a similar problem.
>  Thanks a lot!
>  Marco
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 5:40 PM, marco turchi <marco.tur...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>   Hi All,
>>  I'm compiling the last version of Moses (downloaded today from the
>> master). Everything works fine if I do not add the --with-mm parameter, but
>> when I include it, moses crashes. I have looked in the mailing list but I
>> have not found anything useful.
>>  Do you have any ideas about a possible reason? I attach the log-file
>>  Thanks a lot!
>>  Marco
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