Evidently, if you filter the phrase table then the LM is not as important as 
you might feel. The question remains why isn't the system capable of finding 
the most likely translations without the LM? Why do I need to filter to help 
the system find them? This is undesirable behaviour. Clearly a bug.

I include the code I used for filtering. As you can see the 4th score only was 
used as a filtering criteria.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w


# Program filters phrase table to leave only phrase pairs

# with probability above a threshold


use strict;

use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;

my $phrase;

my $min;

my $phrase_table;

my $filtered_table;

GetOptions(     'min=f'         => \$min,

                'out=s'         => \$filtered_table,

                'in=s'          => \$phrase_table);

die "ERROR: must give threshold and phrase table input file and output file\n" 
unless ($min && $phrase_table && $filtered_table);

die "ERROR: file $phrase_table does not exist\n" unless (-e $phrase_table);

open (PHRASETABLE, "<$phrase_table") or die "FATAL: Could not open phrase table 

open (FILTEREDTABLE, ">$filtered_table") or die "FATAL: Could not open phrase 
table $filtered_table\n";;

while (my $line = <PHRASETABLE>)


        chomp $line;

        my @columns = split ('\|\|\|', $line);

        # check that file is a well formatted phrase table

        if (scalar @columns < 4)


                die "ERROR: input file is not a well formatted phrase table. A 
phrase table must have at least four colums each column separated by |||\n";


        # get the probability and check it is less than the threshold

        my @scores = split /\s+/, $columns[2];

        if ($scores[3] > $min)


                print FILTEREDTABLE $line."\n";;



From: Matt Post <p...@cs.jhu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 5:25 PM
To: Read, James C
Cc: Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt; moses-support@mit.edu; Arnold, Doug
Subject: Re: [Moses-support] Major bug found in Moses

I think you are misunderstanding how decoding works. The highest-weighted 
translation of each source phrase is not necessarily the one with the best BLEU 
score. This is why the decoder retains many options, so that it can search 
among them (together with their reorderings). The LM is an important component 
in making these selections.

Also, how did you weight the many probabilities attached to each phrase (to 
determine which was the most probable)? The tuning phase of decoding selects 
weights designed to optimize BLEU score. If you weighted them evenly, that is 
going to exacerbate this experiment.


On Jun 17, 2015, at 10:22 AM, Read, James C 
<jcr...@essex.ac.uk<mailto:jcr...@essex.ac.uk>> wrote:

All I did was break the link to the language model and then perform filtering. 
How is that a methodoligical mistake? How else would one test the efficacy of 
the TM in isolation?

I remain convinced that this is undersirable behaviour and therefore a bug.


From: Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <junc...@amu.edu.pl<mailto:junc...@amu.edu.pl>>
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 5:12 PM
To: Read, James C
Cc: Arnold, Doug; moses-support@mit.edu<mailto:moses-support@mit.edu>
Subject: Re: [Moses-support] Major bug found in Moses

Hi James
No, not at all. I would say that is expected behaviour. It's how search spaces 
and optimization works. If anything these are methodological mistakes on your 
side, sorry.  You are doing weird thinds to the decoder and then you are 
surprised to get weird results from it.
W dniu 2015-06-17 16:07, Read, James C napisał(a):

So, do we agree that this is undersirable behaviour and therefore a bug?


From: Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <junc...@amu.edu.pl<mailto:junc...@amu.edu.pl>>
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 5:01 PM
To: Read, James C
Subject: Re: [Moses-support] Major bug found in Moses

As I said. With an unpruned phrase table and an decoder that just optmizes some 
unreasonble set of weights all bets are off, so if you get very low BLEU point 
there, it's not surprising. It's probably jumping around in a very weird search 
space. With a pruned phrase table you restrict the search space VERY strongly. 
Nearly everything that will be produced is a half-decent translation. So yes, I 
can imagine that would happen.
W dniu 2015-06-17 15:56, Read, James C napisał(a):
You would expect an improvement of 37 BLEU points?


From: Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <junc...@amu.edu.pl<mailto:junc...@amu.edu.pl>>
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 4:32 PM
To: Read, James C
Cc: Moses-support@mit.edu<mailto:Moses-support@mit.edu>; Arnold, Doug
Subject: Re: [Moses-support] Major bug found in Moses

Hi James,
there are many more factors involved than just probability, for instance word 
penalties, phrase penalities etc. To be able to validate your own claim you 
would need to set weights for all those non-probabilities to zero. Otherwise 
there is no hope that moses will produce anything similar to the most probable 
translation. And based on that there is no surprise that there may be different 
translations. A pruned phrase table will produce naturally less noise, so I 
would say the behaviour you describe is quite exactly what I would expect to 
W dniu 2015-06-17 15:26, Read, James C napisał(a):
Hi all,

I tried unsuccessfully to publish experiments showing this bug in Moses 
behaviour. As a result I have lost interest in attempting to have my work 
published. Nonetheless I think you all should be aware of an anomaly in Moses' 
behaviour which I have thoroughly exposed and should be easy enough for you to 

As I understand it the TM logic of Moses should select the most likely 
translations according to the TM. I would therefore expect a run of Moses with 
no LM to find sentences which are the most likely or at least close to the most 
likely according to the TM.

To test this behaviour I performed two runs of Moses. One with an unfiltered 
phrase table the other with a filtered phrase table which left only the most 
likely phrase pair for each source language phrase. The results were truly 
startling. I observed huge differences in BLEU score. The filtered phrase 
tables produced much higher BLEU scores. The beam size used was the default 
width of 100. I would not have been surprised in the differences in BLEU scores 
where minimal but they were quite high.

I have been unable to find a logical explanation for this behaviour other than 
to conclude that there must be some kind of bug in Moses which causes a TM only 
run of Moses to perform poorly in finding the most likely translations 
according to the TM when there are less likely phrase pairs included in the 

I hope this information will be useful to the Moses community and that the 
cause of the behaviour can be found and rectified.


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