Ok thanks. Appreciate your help.

On 22 June 2015 at 03:22, Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <junc...@amu.edu.pl> wrote:

> Difficult to tell with that little data. Once you get beyond 100,000
> segments (or 50,000 at least) i would say 2000 per dev (for tuning) and
> test set, rest for training. With that few segments it's hard to give you
> any recommendations since it might just not give meaningful results. It's
> currently a toy model, good for learning and playing around with options.
> But not good for trying to infer anything from BLEU scores.
> On 22.06.2015 10:17, Hokage Sama wrote:
>> Yes the language model was built earlier when I first went through the
>> manual to build a French-English baseline system. So I just reused it for
>> my Samoan-English system.
>> Yes for all three runs I used the same training and testing files.
>> How can I determine how much parallel data I should set aside for tuning
>> and testing? I have only 10,028 segments (198,385 words) altogether. At the
>> moment I'm using 259 segments for testing and the rest for training.
>> Thanks,
>> Hilton
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