On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 8:11 AM, Read, James C <jcr...@essex.ac.uk> wrote:
> Other than that it seems painfully clear that the point I meant to make
> has not been understood entirely. If the default behaviour produces BLEU
> scores considerably lower than merely selecting the most likely translation
> of each phrase then evidently there is something very wrong with the
> default behaviour. If we cannot agree on something as obvious as that then
> I really can't see this discussion making any productive progress.


I understand your point. I think that the others who have responded also
understand your point.

We simply disagree with your conclusion.

I encourage you to consider the possibility that if the many experts in
this field who have responded all think that your conclusion is flawed,
then there might be something to that.

I will agree, though, that this is a good time to conclude this discussion.

Lane Schwartz
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