I just wanted to chip in a couple of cents from my side.

First, I agree with Tom: my most sincere admiration for the patience you all have evidenced when answering in this thread. It is certainly not easy to keep calm when someone is saying that all your work in the last 10 years is wrong.

Second, I think it would be a really good idea to pin this thread somewhere, perhaps clean it up a bit, and save it for the future: I think future researchers and NLP students would be able to learn a real lot by reading through it, it might constitute the most comprehensive guide to explaining [at least some aspects of] the decoding process I have read so far.

Finally, regarding James' claims:

1) So if I've understood you correctly you are saying we have a system that is purposefully designed to perform poorly with a disabled LM and this is the proof that the LM is the most fundamental part.

Nope. This misses the point. The system is designed to optimize something that is unoptimized. It *does not care* about what happens when sticks are thrown into the system's wheels. It's like a gas engine: it's designed to do the most out of the gas you poor into it. It *does not care* about what happens when you poor olive oil into it. The point is not about purposefully designing something to perform poorly in poor conditions, the point is about designing something that performs as good as possible with the conditions we have: because, at the end of the day, what we care about is having a system that is able to yield good (or fair) translation quality.

2) If you still feel that the LM is the most fundamental component I challenge you to disable the TM and perform LM only translations and see what kind of BLEU scores you get.

I think Marcin meant that the LM is the strongest feature from all the individual features available in the system. Disabling the TM is disabling a bunch of individual features, not just one. And anyway, this misses the point too: we care about doing the best we can with what we have, not about what happens when you poor olive oil into a gas engine.


Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Co-founder Sciling S.L.
Tel: +34 658272899
email: gsanc...@sciling.com
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