there are actually 7 different configurations. You have to look at the
config file in
For fr-en:
  1. phrase-based, truecased
  2. phrase-based, lowercased then recased
  3. hierarchical model, lowercased then recased
  4. phrase-based, lowercased then recased. Using target side word + pos
  5. Like (2) but using batch-mira to tune
  6. Like (2) but using PRO to tune
  7. Like (2) but using CreateOnDiskPt to create binary phrase table
You can see the BLEU scores in

Hieu Hoang

On 12 December 2016 at 13:28, Shubham Khandelwal <>

> Okay Thanks Hieu. I will try it with 1TB HD-memory machine.
> Btw I can see there are 4 pre-made models available for fr-en and de-en (
>   and
> Can you
> please tell me among these 4, which one is better model(in terms of bleu
> score) except the huge model which is already there in both, as I can not
> understand how analysis is shown in steps folder.
> Also, Are all these pre-made models hierarchical model ?
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 6:09 PM, Hieu Hoang <> wrote:
>> Hieu Hoang
>> On 10 December 2016 at 14:06, Shubham Khandelwal <>
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, CreateOnDiskPt command executed without any error.
>>> There are 5 files in this phrase-table.3.folder: Misc.dat , Source.dat,
>>> TargetColl.dat, TargetInd.dat, Vocab.dat
>>> *Misc.dat  and Vocab.dat files are empty. *
>>> I just checked that my hard-disk memory is full as this folder took 165G
>>> already. So may be, due to this reason those 2 files are empty. But 
>>> CreateOnDiskPt
>>> command should throw an error of *No space left on machine *when it
>>> stopped.
>>> Let me know if no space on my machine, is the issue or not so that I can
>>> go for better device having more hard-disk memory.
>> Good idea. Not sure who's going to do it but if you do it, please send me
>> a patch & I'll check it in
>>> Also May I know that How much memory phrase-table.3.folder has in
>>> general when CreateOnDiskPt command executes completely
>>> as phrase-table.3.gz size is only 23GB.
>> I'm not too sure. Try it on a disk with 1TB and please report back what
>> you find for future reference
>>> Thanking You.
>>> On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Hieu Hoang <> wrote:
>>>> strange, did the CreateOnDiskPt command execute ok, ie. with no error?
>>>> Does this file exist:
>>>>    /home/shubham/models/fr-en/phrase-table.3.folder/Misc.dat
>>>> If you do
>>>>   cat Misc.dat
>>>> what does it say?
>>>> Hieu Hoang
>>>> On 10 December 2016 at 11:30, Shubham Khandelwal <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Thanks Hieu for your reply.
>>>>> I have used *CreateOnDiskPt* to binarize the model and stored in
>>>>> *phrase-table.3.folder *using following command:
>>>>> *~/mosesdecoder/bin/CreateOnDiskPt 1 1 4 100 2  phrase-table.3.gz
>>>>> phrase-table.3.folder*
>>>>> Also I have made changes in *moses.ini.3 (*i.e. I have converted
>>>>> *PhraseDictionaryMemory* to *PhraseDictionaryCompact* as follows*)  *
>>>>> PhraseDictionaryOnDisk name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
>>>>> path=/home/shubham/models/fr-en/phrase-table.3.folder input-factor=0
>>>>> output-factor=0
>>>>> Now, when I run it using :* ~/mosesdecoder/bin/moses -f moses.ini.3 * ,
>>>>> it gave following error after *Created input-output object*:
>>>>> *terminate called after throwing an instance of 'util::Exception'*
>>>>> *  what():  OnDiskPt/OnDiskWrapper.cpp:217 in uint64_t
>>>>> OnDiskPt::OnDiskWrapper::GetMisc(const string&) const threw 
>>>>> util::Exception
>>>>> because `iter == m_miscInfo.end()'.*
>>>>> *Couldn't find value for key NumSourceFactors*
>>>>> *Aborted (core dumped)*
>>>>> Here, I do not know that what key value should I pass and how ? Can
>>>>> you please help me in this regard.
>>>>> Thank you so much for your help.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Shubham
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Hieu Hoang <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> This is a hierarchical model. You must binarize with CreateOnDiskPt
>>>>>> for this model
>>>>>> Hieu Hoang
>>>>>> On 9 December 2016 at 08:18, Shubham Khandelwal <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> Thanks. It worked now. I have created compact phrase table.
>>>>>>> Now, when I am running it using following command:
>>>>>>> *~/mosesdecoder/bin/moses
>>>>>>> -f ~/Translate/models/de-en/model/moses.ini.2 -threads all*
>>>>>>> Then, after creating input-output object, it gave following
>>>>>>> segmentation fault   error:
>>>>>>> Created input-output object : [14.796] seconds
>>>>>>> Ich bin ein Student
>>>>>>> Line 0: Initialize search took 0.000 seconds total
>>>>>>> Translating: <s> Ich bin ein Student </s>  ||| [0,0]=X (1) [0,1]=X
>>>>>>> (1) [0,2]=X (1) [0,3]=X (1) [0,4]=X (1) [0,5]=X (1) [1,1]=X (1) [1,2]=X 
>>>>>>> (1)
>>>>>>> [1,3]=X (1) [1,4]=X (1) [1,5]=X (1) [2,2]=X (1) [2,3]=X (1) [2,4]=X (1)
>>>>>>> [2,5]=X (1) [3,3]=X (1) [3,4]=X (1) [3,5]=X (1) [4,4]=X (1) [4,5]=X (1)
>>>>>>> [5,5]=X (1)
>>>>>>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>>>>>>> In my machine, I have 40GB RAM but still I am confused why it gave
>>>>>>> this error.
>>>>>>> Can you please help me in this regard. I have attached moses.ini.2
>>>>>>> for your reference.
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Shubham
>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 2:02 AM, Hieu Hoang <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> maybe try
>>>>>>>>   -encoding None
>>>>>>>> On 08/12/2016 19:44, Shubham Khandelwal wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Hieu,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>>>>>> Yes, I have used the absolute path and also I tried with -T but it
>>>>>>>> did not work.
>>>>>>>> Is there any other solution to this problem.
>>>>>>>> Btw, Can anybody please upload the compact model of all pre-made
>>>>>>>> models as this will take less space and also it will be very fast 
>>>>>>>> during
>>>>>>>> decoding.
>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 12:50 AM, Hieu Hoang <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> the previous email you referred to says that the directory
>>>>>>>>> * binarised-model/ *
>>>>>>>>> *must exist before you run it, otherwise it will segfault. I would
>>>>>>>>> also use absolute path to make sure, ie. not    *
>>>>>>>>> *binarised-model/phrase-table *
>>>>>>>>> *but *
>>>>>>>>> *  /home/shubham/moses/binarised-model/phrase-table *
>>>>>>>>> *The previous email exchange also says you should try to add the
>>>>>>>>> argument *
>>>>>>>>> *   -T . *
>>>>>>>>> Hieu Hoang
>>>>>>>>> On 8 December 2016 at 15:52, Shubham Khandelwal <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>> This is just the reminder of my previous email.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanking You.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Shubham
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 9:04 AM, Shubham Khandelwal <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>> I have just downloaded phrase-table.2.gz (18GB) de-en model
>>>>>>>>>>> and phrase-table.3.gz (22GB) fr-en model from the available pre-made
>>>>>>>>>>> models.
>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I am converting them to PhraseDictionaryCompact using
>>>>>>>>>>> following command (for exmaple):
>>>>>>>>>>> *~/mosesdecoder/bin/processPhraseTableMin -threads all -in
>>>>>>>>>>> ~/model/phrase-table.3.gz -nscores 4  -out 
>>>>>>>>>>> binarised-model/phrase-table  *
>>>>>>>>>>> But after passing 1/3, it gave following segementation fault
>>>>>>>>>>> error:
>>>>>>>>>>> *Pass 1/3: Creating hash function for rank assignment*
>>>>>>>>>>> *Segmentation fault (core dumped)*
>>>>>>>>>>> I have found almost same issue on this thread:
>>>>>>>>>>> However, I have provided the existing *binarised-model *folder
>>>>>>>>>>> in the command. Also, I have the write-access in /tmp but still
>>>>>>>>>>> it gave sementation fault.
>>>>>>>>>>> Can you please tell me what could be wrong here ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanking You.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Shubham
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>>>>>>>>>> Moses-support mailing list
> --
> Yours Sincerely,
> Shubham Khandelwal
> Masters in Informatics (M2-MoSIG),
> University Joseph Fourier-Grenoble INP,
> Grenoble, France
> Webpage:
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