You are quite welcome. It looks like GIZApp isn't what you're looking for -
sequitur-g2p is a lot closer.


On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 9:57 PM, doc <> wrote:

> Many thanks for your kind interest.
> Basically I aim was to find if a training tool exists which can train data
> with the following format:
> abc=def
> Where the right hand is the input and the left hand is the output.
> I chose English to UK IPA as an example. I have around 80,000+ strings of
> English to IPA. An example is given below:
> ˈem=əm
> ˈneath=niːθ
> ˈshun=ʃʌn
> ˈtwas=twɒz
> ˈtwen=twiːn
> ˈtwen-decks=ˈtwiːn-deks
> ˈtwere=twɜːr
> ˈtwill=twɪl
> ˈtwixt=twɪkst
> ˈtwould=twʊd
> ˈun=ən
> A=eiː
> Aˈs=eɪz
> A-bomb=ˈeɪ-bɒm
> If I had an unknown word like say
> superpose
> the tool after training should be able to predict
> suːpəˈpəʊz
>  or something like that. Stress does not matter
> I wonder if someone in the MOSES team could come up with a small tool
> which can be used for such kind of work. As a linguist, I can assure you
> that such a tool would be immensely popular and render great service to the
> community.
> I need not add that I will download GIZApp and try. I am trying out
> SciKit, but the results are not very encouraging.
> Many thanks
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 3:23 AM, Allen Smith <>
> wrote:
>> Are you wanting to train something to align letters and sounds, or to
>> figure out the sounds given the letters? (As it happens, I've been working
>> on using GIZApp to do the former.)
>> -Allen (Allen W. Smith, Ph.D.)
>> On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 4:01 AM, doc <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am looking for a tool for training data using either Statistical
>>> methods or even CNN/RNN.
>>> Basically the tool would allow the user to train simple data and then
>>> once trained, it could be deployed to predict unknown data
>>> As an example, I have around 80,000 words in English converted to IPA
>>> [text aligned in CSV format] and would like to train the tool using the
>>> data, to predict in the case of new words.
>>> Using Moses is like using a surgeon's scalpel to saw wood
>>> And since I work in a Windows environment installing Moses is not very
>>> easy
>>> In any case a large number of linguists like me would prefer to have a
>>> tool with ease of use.I am sure that if such a tool is made available, it
>>> will be one of the most popular tools.
>>> Thanks in advance for any help.
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