Hieu Hoang writes:

> ah yes, I think the phrase-table was created in the version when [ and ] 
> weren't reserved
> characters but now they are. So you have to use the executables in that 
> version (v3?), or escape
> them

OK, so why did this go wrong? (Remember that I don't really am a Moses
user myself, which may be why I am confused here.)

That file phrase-table.0-0.1.1.gz was created when I ran
scripts/training/mert-moses.pl. That script comes from the same
version 3 linux-64bit.tgz as the rest. Is there a bug in mert-moses.pl,
or could there be anything wrong in any of the inputs I had to

Also, if I just want to escape the brackets after the fact, what is the
escape syntax there?
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