After spending the day chasing stake out birds around southern Minnesota I 
found myself driving by the airport at dusk and on a whim decided to drive 
24th and Cargo Rds on the chance the cold weather had brought down an owl.  
At the very end of Cargo Rd where it ends in a turnaround I found a SNOWY 
OWL perched on the corner of a small brown building at the edge of the 
runway at 5:20 PM.  The building is to your left as you enter the turnaround 

I was able to watch it for about five minutes through my scope before it 
flew to the north.  It was heavily barred below so I assume it is a first 
winter bird.

Also today, the Green-tailed Towhee was at the feeder in Mountain Lake at 
9:40 AM this morning.  There were quite a few Horned Larks along Hwy 60 as 
well as one flock of Lapland Longspurs near St James.  Both the Slaty-backed 
gull and Long-tailed duck were present at Point Douglas between 2 and 2:45 
PM.  I also refound the Townsend's Solitaire at the previously posted 
location in Afton State Park at 3:45 PM.

Joel Claus
Eden Prairie

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