With migration pretty much over(only migrant this morning were several flocks 
of Canada Geese heading north), the only new bird today around Rapids Lake was 
a Yellow-billed Cuckoo.   I have not noticed the 2 Prothonotary Warbler that 
had been on the west and southwest side of the lake since I found them 2 weeks 
ago.    Today, though, there was 1 Prothonotary on the far north end of the 
lake and a 2nd along the Carver loop trail a little more than a mile from the 
Carver Bluff Park parking area.   A surprisingly high number of Ovenbird(5) 
were still scattered along the western shore of Rapids Lake, and Blue-winged 
Warbler were all occupying their usual territory.   I usually don't notice 
Ovenbirds around Rapids Lake beyond migration, but maybe they will stay here 
this year.   A Scarlet Tanager has established territory near the southwest 
shore of Rapids Lake.   Another territory is in the wooded area immediately 
south of the visitor's center.   The Western Meadowlark southwest of Cologne 
has attracted a mate, and they were busy constructing a nest this morning.  
Some Bobolink had joined them in the pasture.   The 4 Red-necked Grebe that I 
was able to see were hard at work.  Each pair was in the middle stages of 
constructing their floating nest platform on Assumption Lake, going back and 
forth from collecting wet reeds/mud to packing them onto the platform.  Both 
nests were already partially obscured by the quick growing reeds at the public 
access.     The closest nest is closer than any of last years, but it will be 
completely blocked by reeds very soon.   As it is, I only got good looks when 
the wind would blow the reeds to the side.  Yesterday there were at least 4 
Dickcissel in the undeveloped fields surrounding the Waconia Target: 1 north, 1 
east, and 2(male and female) south of the Target.
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