Migrants this morning at Carver Park were Blue-headed Vireo, Swainson's Thrush, 
2 Tennessee, 3 Nashville, Blackburnian, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, and Wilson's 
Warbler.   A stop at the Carver end of Chaska Lake turned up a Blue-headed 
Vireo and a male Golden-winged Warbler.   In terms of other activity, it was 
the quietest day in a while.    If it hadn't been for the sound of Pewee and 
Chickadee the only sound you would hear was the wind gusting through the trees. 
   Even Redstarts, Yellowthroat, and resident Vireo were hard to come by.    
Either some birds left recently or everything was hunkered down not moving at 
all.  Oddly Chickadee were more active than usual, but the normal migrants that 
accompany them were not to be found.
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