Al, Jason:

On one Thursday in August, 1982, I was helping a fellow re-shingle the roof
on his house.  I had seen a bird swooping along a line of trees that
bordered San Antonio's Olmos Creek.  The bird finally got close enough for
even me to note that the bird was largish, was mostly white, and had
pointed, wings that had black on the trailing edge, and had a forked tail
with pointed ends.  It was "only" my lifer Swallow-tailed Kite and, most
importantly, the first record of the species in the San Antonio area for
50-60 or more years.  Birders in San Antonio laughed at me until the
following Tuesday. This was because Swallow-tailed Kites were "supposed" to
only migrate along the Gulf of Mexico coast in the fall.  That laughter
ended when Vernon Ellis went outside to smoke while his wife was in a beauty
parlor.  Vernon looks across a fairly busy West Avenue to the trees lining
that part of Olmos Creek and about has a heart attack when he sees a
Swallow-tailed Kite sailing just over the tree canopy.  In subsequent years
people in Central Texas have seen more Swallow-tailed Kites as the birds'
population has increased.



Stevan Hawkins
San Antonio TX

-----Original Message-----
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Jason
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: [mou-net] Best Bird While Not Birding?

I was exploring the Mayan ruins of Tikal in Guatemala and there was a group
of green toucans that flew through the courtyard. I never knew that toucans
could be green and it wasn't until much later that I identified them as
Emerald Toucanets. I also saw California Condors soaring over the Grand
Canyon before I became a birder while riding mules up the canyon. The bird
that sticks out most was a Black Oystercatcher that I saw while in Victoria,
British Columbia when I was very young. I had seen them in my parents
Peterson guide and thought they looked so weird. When I actually saw one on
the rocky coast I was amazed at their appearance. Such an orange bill on
such a black bird! Very cool!  Jason CaddySouth
 > Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 09:36:08 -0500
> From:
> Subject: [mou-net] Best Bird While Not Birding?
> Sometimes the best birds show up while doing something else.
> Golden Eagle at a business convention  dinner - Violet-green Swallow
during a meeting break (both pointed out by non-birders) - Prairie Falcon
while reading in my chair - Tri-colored Heron while visiting relatives -
sure there have been others.
> You?
> Al Schirmacher
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