For the most part birds this morning were pretty typical for an early spring 
day.   The most unusual bird of the day was a Red-shouldered Hawk near the 
shore of Lake Waconia.  Other arrivals today included 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 2 
Hermit Thrush, 1 Vesper Sparrow at Rapids Lake MVNWR, and a Common Loon on Lake 
Waconia.   Other birds at Rapids Lake MVNWR included 6 Tree Swallow, 1 Winter 
Wren, and 5 Golden-crowned Kinglet.   The steady decline of waterfowl at Rapids 
Lake continues.  The only waterfowl on the lake were a couple Canada Geese, 2 
Trumpeter Swan, Mallard, and Wood Duck.   Lake Waconia had a nice surge of 
mainly Common Merganser, Red-breasted Merganser, and Coot(smaller number of 
other species as well) last week through Sunday.  As of Tuesday most everything 
on the lake had departed.  There wasn't much difference today with only a small 
number of coot and some Pied-billed Grebe found in addition to the loon.   
Other rural lakes still have a nice variety but numbers are declining.  Best 
waterfowl species of the day were a couple Red-breasted Merganser on Maria Lake 
and a Horned Grebe on Assumption Lake. 
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