On Sunday a few of us went out to the Canon River bottoms and hiked the state trail off of Collishan Road. We had six to eight or more Cerulean Warblers singing, but saw only a few. We also had a Blue-winged Warbler, Wood Thrushes, and three calling Yellow-billed Cuckoos, one of which we got great looks of. We did not find any Acadian Flycatchers, which we have had reliably in the past. The most common bird of the day was the American Redstart.
Later that afternoon I canoed around Quigley Lake observing the duckling groups. I found four groups with Hooded Merganser chicks, two of which were led by Wood Duck hens. I found no Mallards, pure Wood Duck broods, or Canada Geese families, although there is plenty of cover to shelter them. I did find blooming Bladderwort, a free floating carnivorous plant with yellow flowers that are about three quarters of an inch across that stick up two or three inches above the surface. It is considered by the PCA a sensitive indicator of water quality and is only found in high quality wetlands. I don't believe I had noticed them before on the lake, but am seeing them around. This summer the wild strawberries in the yard have been more plentiful and larger, sweeter, and tastier than I have ever seen. Well, every year they are tastier than I remember. Steve Weston On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN swest...@comcast.net ---- Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html