Because of some computer problems, I have been unable to update the MBWbirds 
website ( <>) since July 25. All of the 
website’s pages are still accessible, but the registration numbers of this 
season’s remaining MBWeekends and MBWeeks are outdated. Following is each MBW’s 
actual status as of today, August 25….

Minnesota Birding Weekends:

Lake of the Woods pre-MBW / Sept 4 - 1 vacancy
Northwestern Minnesota / Sept 5-6-7 - 8 vacancies
North Shore pre-MBW / Oct 2 - 2 vacancies
Fall Duluth MBW / Oct 3-4 - 2 vacancies
Rothsay MBW / Oct 17-18 - Filled (5 on waiting list)
North Shore I / Nov 5-6 - Filled (2 on waiting list)
North Shore II / Nov 6-7 - Filled (3 on waiting list)
Winter Duluth I / Jan 9-10, 2016 - Filled (1 on waiting list)
Winter Duluth II / Jan 16-17, 2016 - 2 vacancies

Minnesota Birding Weeks:

Washington & Br. Columbia / September 10-20, 2015 - Filled (5 on waiting list)
Southern California / January 16-24, 2016 - Filled (1 on waiting list)
South Texas II / February 13-24, 2016 - Filled (2 on waiting list) (Note: S 
Texas I has been removed from the MBW schedule and tentatively replaced with a 
“private” tour; contact me for further information.)

It currently appears that the website will not be updated until around Sept 1. 
In addition to the current MBW registration totals, the summaries of the recent 
Arizona MBWeek and Stevens-Big Stone MBWeekend will be added at that time, 
along with an updated MBW composite list (which now stands at 699 species!).

Thanks for your patience, and please be sure to ask if you have any questions.

Kim R Eckert, Duluth <> <>

(Please note: MBWs are offered in association with the MOU; we were originally 
known as MOU Birding Weekends. MBW participants are still expected to be 
members of MOU, which receives a portion of MBW receipts in return for these 
updates on mou-net and in the newsletter.)
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