
Here are some recent sightings from the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife 
Refuge, at the Bass Ponds, which are located in Bloomington.

Complete checklists are available on EBird.

These birds were observed on my refuge walks:


13 species of Waterfowl, including Trumpeter Swan, Wood Duck, Gadwall, American 
Black Duck, Northern Shoveler, Green-winged Teal, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser 
Scaup and Common & Hooded Merganser.

Great Blue Heron

Sharp-shinned Hawk

Northern Harrier

Bald Eagle - Including the ones on the nest, on the South side of Long Meadow 

Sandhill Cranes - Seen and heard

Mourning Dove

American Tree Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco


16 species of Waterfowl, including flyover flocks of Snow & Ross's Geese and 
Tundra Swans, Wood Ducks, Green-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, American 
Wigeon, Bufflehead and some Mergansers.

Pied-billed Grebe

Barred Owl

Cooper's Hawk - A pair is building a nest next to the road which leads from the 
parking area to the bottom of the hill.

Sandhill Cranes - Seen and heard

Tree Swallow - A single bird was briefly seen and then flew off.

Common Grackle

I will be leading a number of walks at the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge, with the 
first one being tomorrow morning at 8:00am.  Information on these and other 
walks can be found at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge web site.

March 27 - Old Cedar Avenue Bridge

April 2 - Bass Ponds

April 3 - Old Cedar Avenue Bridge

April 10 - Old Cedar Avenue Bridge

April 11 - Rapids Lake Unit

April 15 - Old Cedar Avenue Bridge

All walks begin at 8:00 am and there is no fee for the walk

Craig Mandel

Minnetonka, Hennepin County


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