Paul Sandoz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> >>         /**
> >> >>          * List of defined match items types
> >> >>          *
> >> >>          */
> >> >>         const long matchItemsOneOrMore  = 0;
> >> >>         const long matchItemsAll        = 1;
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >Would it be worthwhile to design the interfaces to support boolean
> >> >logic (and, or, not, precedence), to allow for future expansion?
> >
> >I'm still curious to hear any thoughts you might have on the above
> >question.
> >
>       Still thinking on it!
>       Example:
>       (name == "X" && nickname == "Y") ||
>       (email 'contains' "ZSxsxZ" || !(fax="123"))
>       Note sure how to do it beyond creating interfaces to
>       cater for statements and operators i.e. defining
>       a binary tree representing the statement where the
>       nodes are operations. Not sure i am using the correct
>       terminology but you see these types of things
>       when looking at compiler books, if one feels
>       so inclined, when referring to parsing statements.

I think the term you're looking for is "expression" rather than
statement.  And yeah, a binary tree sounds like just the right

>       Hmm... i see what you are saying though.
>       How about a statement interface (which is just
>       a type with no methods) and a simple statement
>       interface which inherits from this.
>       interface Statement : nsISupports
>       {
>       };
>       interface SimpleAndOrStatement: Statement
>       {
>               attribute nsISupportsArray matchItems;
>               attribute long matchItemsType;
>       };
>       The nsIAbDirectoryQueryArguments will then
>       contain a statement attribute.
>       Further inheritance from statement could then
>       define unary & binary boolean operations which
>       contain statement attributes. A leaf statement
>       will be a match item.

I definitely like the idea of having the simple case right now and
then leaving it open for expansion.  Hmm, I bet there's some easy way
to specify all the operators as bits of JS code to take advantage of
the fact that JS has full builtin boolean logic already.

> >>    Attached is a version with support for nsISupportsArray
> >>    and arrays. Additionally added an nsISupports attribute
> >>    to the QueryPropertyValue interface if a property
> >>    is associated with an interface (e.g. nsIAbCard).
> >
> >Cool; it would be interesting to hear any comments on these from
> >Candice or Ducarroz...
> >
>       Attached is a synchronous implementation of the existing
>       query interfaces which does a linear search over
>       the address books, just like auto completion.
>       (Sorry no comments i hammered it out yesterday
>       real fast).
>       The class nsAbDirectoryQueryAutoComplete performs
>       a query using the same parameters as that for
>       the auto complete, see the method:
>               nsAbDirectoryQueryAutoComplete::Start
>       The example uses a value of 'paul' for all the
>       match items. 3 query results are returned
>       (see the moz.gif image for the list of cards
>        and the moz.txt file for the output from
>        the query listener).
>       The only thing which is missing is case insensitive
>       matching, thus i think an extra boolean attribute
>       is required on the match item interface.

Cool.  Unfortunately, I don't yet have my head entirely wrapped around 
what you're doing (not enough hours in the day :-/ ), so I don't have
much in the way of comments.  But it seems like a good direction to



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