I very much admire Mozilla and its debugger and DOM inspector,
I just want to urge the Mozilla developers to not forget the

"Laurens Holst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Basically, Mozilla implements most of CSS2.1. Some things which are in
> my experience not working are the @page selector, and the pre-wrap
> setting on the white-space property (though -moz-pre-wrap does work).
> But, those are not used in most common web pages, and almost everything
> else does work.

So my problem is that that is nowhere stated in a coherent way (for all the
different relevant standards) nor are the exceptions specified.

> About the DOM:
> http://www.mozilla.org/docs/dom/domref/
> But that's probably the same as the pdf document you mentioned. Should
> pretty much specify the Gecko DOM implementation...

And here is stated that I should be able to click an anchor-element...

> > And, by the way, is it really true that you cannot click an
> > an element that asks for being clicked?
> Seems like that to me. However, why would you want to do that? Instead
> you could just read out the anchor's href property and redirect the
> browser there... seems like a much better method to me (and it is
> probably the reason why you can't click anchors).

But, alas!, it's a href with a (computed) mailto, and I cannot redirect the
browser thereto!
And it is a mailto because I am offering my friends (members of a sailing
club) the possibility to send an e-mail message with attachments to each

Peter J. Veger, Best, The Netherlands

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