Laurens Holst wrote:

Boris Zbarsky wrote:

I'm actually working on trying to set up a forum for developers to point out bugs that have enough information on what needs to be done that the learning curve is significantly lowered. If this pans out, I'll be posting more about it.

This sounds like a great idea. I have been looking at contributing code to Mozilla as well, but basically hit a stone wall there :). I'm looking forward to it.

True. There used to be more developers on irc before, but the incessant review requests largely drove them off, as far as I can tell. Perhaps if we had a strict ban on such (in view of the existence of the request tracker), some could be induced to come back for a day a week or something....

If you ask me (but who's asking me ;p), if that is what can bring the coders back I don't see any reason not to... right?

* We need more good overview documentation:

Agreed. The problem is how to organize it and how to link to it from where... I wrote some overview docs at some point, and I don't even think they're linked to from anywhere on the site, in the wake of the site redesign.

Yeah, there are many such places, and I don't think the available documents are very well maintained either. Looking forward to the results of that documentation project. There was a nice documentation overview page somewhere, but... well, I can't find it anymore, because it is not linked anywhere -_-;;. It looked different from, basically had the same functionality but was better categorized... Ahwell.

This would need to be organized somehow -- we have a LOT of such components/services.... Suggestions on how? This is really the most serious problem with the docs we have -- finding what you want is hard.

Right. :)

And hard to find documents have less chance of being properly maintained.

I hope you will make a wiki (perhaps with limited access) or user reply sections (like in the new documentation page. That should help a little in keeping things up to date, it would make it easier to update documents.

I have yet to find a wiki that is both structured and up-to-date. Well, I'd settle for #1.

User replies suffer from the same thing.

Both don't get an authorative answer, but just make people guess what's right.

I wouldn't want that on devmo.

And yes, devmo drivers settled to worry about the processes to keep devmo floating once we have a boat.

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