Henning Schnoor wrote:

> I think mimimizing Mozilla's requirements is essential to it's success.

I don't. Why? Because I don't want to live with the consequences of 
that. Optimization isn't free--you have to trade some combination of 
stability, features, and development time to get it, and that extreme 
isn't worthwhile.

That said, I think reducing Mozilla's requirements is essential to its 

> As I've stated before, the discussion (among users, not developers)
> about Mozilla primarily focuses on memory usage & speed. Whenever

Memory usage doesn't seem to come up very often. When it does, it's 
usually because of the effect it has on speed on certain machines. What 
I mostly see people asking for are startup speed, 4.x parity, and bug fixes.

> someone talks about Netscape 6 / Mozilla, the 30MB memory usage is
> mentioned. Also, people say "the only actually *fast* component about
> Netscape 6 is the rendering engine".

On startup, Mozilla/NS6 seems to require about 20MB. If you have the Sun 
Java plugin installed, it eats another 10MB or so. Once you start 
loading data, it's not unusual to get past 45MB. That said, I almost 
never see it mentioned outside of SlashDot.

> That said, I think Mozilla is making great progress regarding this.
> Since M18, it has become much better, both speed wise and generally
> (functionality, stability, etc).

Memory usage doesn't seem to be dropping, but speed seems to be 
improving in fits and bursts. My #1 request though, is for the bookmark 
system and scrolling menus to be finished.

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