> I'm not hearing too many people
> saying that it's a Bad Thing to use, but just the reverse. Most people WANT
> to use him. Dawn's against it, but I'm not hearing a lot of other
> resistance. If Mozilla is a community project, and the general community
> wants to use the green Mozilla, and Netscape's amenable to it, I think it's
> the obvious choice. When I talk with clients (end users) about Netscape,
> I've asked about the lizard, and they have no clue what I'm talking about.
> _WE_ know about the lizard, but when NS went Corporate, they stuck Moz on
> the first bus out of Mountain View for a long time.

That has been my experience also.  The vast majority of netscape users didn't
even know what the internet was until long after netscape stopped using mozilla
on their website.  The few people I know who associate the green lizard with
netscape also associate the name "mozilla" with netscape.

IMO, if we don't want to use the green mozilla because mozilla != netscape, we
should have chosen a name for this project that had nothing to do with
netscape.  As is, we have a web browser named after netscape's old mascot, but
we aren't using the image of netscape's old mascot, even though netscape doesn't
seem to care.  I think this is going to create more confusion than it solves.

Aaron Andersen

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