And it came to pass that John Dobbins wrote:

>Giovanni wrote:
>> [ . . ]
>Navigator defiantly causes confusion! I'm working on a
>branded version for a small group of Roman enthusiasts, and
>we want a Latin version. While discussing the translation the 
>name "Navigator" caused a lot of confusion among people who
>weren't familiar with Mozilla. Few people remember the green
>lizard as a Netscape symbol, but Navigator and the ship's
>wheel are defiantly associated with Netscape. I would suggest
>drooping ALL brand type name from Mozilla. Just call the
>browser "Web Browser", the Mail client "Mail and News",
>Chatzilla "IRC Chat", Composer "HTML Editor", and Address
>Book can retain it's current name. Then those who are
>creating branded versions can replace the Generic names and
>Icons with ones that fit thier product. 

Here, here!  Best suggestion I've heard yet!

>IMHO having the classic skin as the default skin is also a
>mistake if we want to establish a separate identify from
>Netscape. When someone tries Mozilla for the first time
>having something that looks almost like Netscape 4.x pop up
>on thier computer doesn't do a lot to establish Mozilla as
>being different from Netscape. The Classic skin causes more
>people to associate Mozilla with Netscape than the Green
>Lizard or the ship's wheel. Modern is becoming associated
>with Netscape 6 so it won't do for a default skin either.
>Blue is hopeless due to a lack of maintenance, and a design
>that wasn't very popular. Mozilla should have it's own skin.
>One that doesn't have anything to do with Netscape, and is
>the default skin for Mozilla. 

This doesn't bother me so much, because I like the Classic skin, 
and haven't yet seen another one I remotely like.  

But the whole point of "skins" is to be able to choose what you 
like, so a "new default" won't cause much grief; and your point 
about a seperate identity is a good one.

>> [ . . ]
>I can go for the two lizard plan. The Green Lizard was
>"fired" by Netscape, so lets give him a job at Mozilla. I
>would like to see the Red Lizard look more like the Green one 
>however. The Green Lizard had a personality, an attitude,
>that was developed in the cartoons. His attitude fits an open
>source project perfectly. The Red Lizard would gain a lot of
>this personality if he looked more like his Green cousin. 

Like the majority of users, I don't remeber the green lizard; 
I've always associated netscape with the ship's wheel and 

}:-)       Christopher Jahn
{:-(         Dionysian Reveler
A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.
To reply: xjahnATyahooDOTcom

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