Garth Wallace wrote:
> JTK wrote:
> > Garth Wallace wrote:
> >
> >> Then why do you keep trying to convince people to give up on Mozilla? For
> >> your own personal amusement?
> >
> > For my own amusement?!?  What kind of ghoul do you think I am?  No
> > Garth, I "keep trying to convince people to give up on Mozilla" (a gross
> > mischaracterization of my position BTW) because what's being done to it
> > is sickening to me, and to the legions of other once-Netscape users who
> > will never use Mozilla.  Mozilla is being 'kept alive' on respirators
> > and feeding tubes while the carcass rots before my very eyes.  There's
> > nothing left to give up on; Mozilla died three years ago, and all anyone
> > who points out that it's starting to stink gets is a blank stare at
> > best, strident "I like the stink!"'s at worst.
> Then leave.

Leave?  What happened to "Open"?

> Use another browser.

I do.  Hell, everybody does, to within a, what, 0.0001% margin of error?

> Nobody's stopping you. In fact, we're
> encouraging you.

Ah, so you speak for the Body now?  For the People's Browser Party?  And
differing points of view need not apply?

I knew that red star was there for a good reason....

> Go use Opera and bother them instead of us.

"Bother"?  Laying out the facts is "bothering you"?  Yep, the truth can
sometimes sting a little, and the medicine is not always sweet.

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