Alex wrote:

> Georg Meyer wrote:
>> Well, silly or not, the user needs something to identify with. What 
>> users like about the products coming out of redmont is that they are 
>> easy to use and that they got names easy to remember (and make the 
>> costumer feel they got things under control). I know the mozilla guys 
>> hate to see this, but if youīre going to reduce your whole product to 
>> technical terms, (e.g. Calling the browser not navigater but browser, 
>> calling the mailnews app just mail and news app or, like you plan to 
>> do now, renaming "My sidebar" to "Sidebar"), it will never get 
>> recognized by the general public, no matter of how good quality it is. 
>> I know itīs not the original goal of mozilla to get known by the 
>> general public, but still, do you want the praise only to go to 
>> Netscape when 6.5 will be released or do you want mozilla to get known 
>> as a sucesfull open source project ?
>> O.k. thatīs enough, because I feel so positive for mozilla in general, 
>> thatīs just something I got to say.
> I don't think this is just the Mozilla guys, but I know tons of people 
> who hate the whole "My" prefix fad:
> My Netscape
> My Documents
> My Music
> Almost everyone I know, and most of these people are regular computer 
> users who can't tell the difference between the AOL and the Internet. I 
> think it is very redundant, or as one of my friends put it:
> "Of course it's MINE! You don't have to tell me that it's MY Documents!"

I think we just have to agree to disagree to this. This is really a 
matter of wether you like something or not.



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