JTK wrote:

> Stuart Ballard wrote:
>>JTK wrote:
>>>Garth Wallace wrote:
>>>>No. Webmail access, like AIM and Net2Phone, is one of the features that
>>>>Netscape adds to Netscape 6.x but does not contribute to Mozilla.
>>>That doesn't sound very "Open" of them.  Oh that's right, the whole
>>>"Open" thing was a sham from the get-go.
>>Oh, I get it. 3 closed features (AIM, Webmail, and AOL mail access)
>>means that having everything else open is a sham?
> Yeah, pretty much:  "You work on the stuff we don't want to, we'll take
> it and bundle it with a bunch of stuff that's proprietary, and you get
> nada.  So long, sucker!"

It costs money to license AIM.  AIM is owned by AOL.  That is why it is 
not in Mozilla

>>I have never had any desire to use AIM, Netscape webmail, or AOL mail.
> What about other web-based mail systems?  It'd sure be nice to be able
> to hook up to Hotmail or Yahoo mail or Google mail or whatever-mail with
> Mozilla, wouldn't it?  Well, I mean if the mail portion actually was in
> working order.  What do you think the chances are of such functionality
> being added to Maozilla, Mr. Ballard?  Do you really think AOL is going
> to give their official Politburo stamp of approval on such
> anti-AOL's-bottom-line functionality?

Yahoo webmail is supported, via Yahoo's POP3 access.  Hotmail is owned 
by MS, and as such any attempt to try to get it with a non MS client 
would result in MS demanding a huge licensing fee for it.  Google mail 
is web based mail.  Not Pop3/Imap mail, and as such doesn't belong in a 
POP3/IMAP mail client

> And don't even bring up instant messaging, because we both know that AOL
> will fight anybody to the death on that one, even if the code has
> nothing to do with Maozilla.

AOL can fight all they want.  The code for AIM will never be found in 

>>can get a fully functioning browser (and an almost-adequate mail/news
>>client - last time I tried it it came within inches of being my
>>permanent client, but crashed just a little too much... I expect to
>>start using it full-time at 0.9.2) that does everything I need it to and
>>is 100% open.
>>Is that a sham?
> Yep.  Because it ain't 100% "Open".  It's
> whatever-AOL-decides-to-let-the-suckers-work-on-% "Open".

Yes, it is.  Every component of Mozilla is 100% open source.  Go look at 
the web site and click "View Source".  There is *everything* you need to 
build mozilla from the source files


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