On 23 Jun 2001 06:45:52 +0000, JTK wrote:
> >> <apologist_mode>
> >> > AIM uses a proprietary standard for communications.  No one other than
> >> > AOL is allowed to use it to connect with AIM users if AOL doesn't want
> >> > them to.  Not Mozilla's open source equivilant, not Microsoft, no one.
> >> <\apologist_mode>
> >
> >This is why I find that you are willfully ignorant. This is a fact.
> OF COURSE IT'S FACT!  But this fact doesn't make a very good excuse for why
> there isn't an AIM client in Maozilla.
Have you not been following the posts?  As several have pointed out, no
AIM client (or other IM client for that matter) has been presented for
inclusion into Mozilla.  This point was made quite clear in previous
posts.  Personally, IM's have no point being "integrated" into a
browser.  You wan't an IM go get your IM of preference.

> > AIM clients
> >must authenticate themselves with the server. This authentication method changes
> >at the will of AOL, without the need for the client to be updated, thus it works
> >to filter out any undesired clients they choose. This is not apoligistic, it is
> >fact.
> A fact used by an apologist to attempt to excuse the fact that AOL runs the
> show.  Hence 'apoligistic'.
Again, it seems that you are not following the posts here.  It has been
made quite clear that AOL does not "run the show".  If you are so
positive that AOL "runs the show" provide your solid proof and be done
with it.  Otherwise your statements are nothing more than conjecture.
Jamin W. Collins

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