JTK wrote:

> OF COURSE IT'S FACT!  But this fact doesn't make a very good excuse for why
> there isn't an AIM client in Maozilla.

This has absolutely nothing to do with AOL and Mozilla.  Other people 
have made clients that were AIM compatible.  Unfortunately, they were 
all blocked.  As soon as any client becomes popular, AOL blocks it. 
It's their network.  They technology.  They control it.  Let's see MS 
incorporate an AIM client into IE (great, now I'll have an AIM client 
integrated into my OS).  How long before AOL blocked it?  A few days?  A 

>>AIM clients
>>must authenticate themselves with the server. This authentication method changes
>>at the will of AOL, without the need for the client to be updated, thus it works
>>to filter out any undesired clients they choose. This is not apoligistic, it is
> A fact used by an apologist to attempt to excuse the fact that AOL runs the
> show.  Hence 'apoligistic'.

How does this imply AOL runs anything except their own network?  If I 
wrote a hack that let me convert the VB script on the MS Windows Update 
site into some other language, and faked it so that Mozilla would be 
identified as MSIE 5.x and I managed to start using their site with 
their competitor's program, they would throw a fit and find some way of 
blocking me.  That's their site.  They dictate what I use to view it. 
Not me.

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