JTK wrote:

> jesus X wrote:
> >
> > JTK wrote:
> > > Huh?  You mean where your "Favorites" are on the left side of the
> > > screen?  That's been in IE forever.
> >
> > Yeah, but the Mozilla Sidebar is MUCH more than just a bookmarks pane.
> No, it's little more, and not executed as well (eg, the IE ones
> disappear completely when they're "disabled").
> > It is
> > like a secondary mini-browser, displaying a set of content YOU define with ease.
> >
> Yeah yeah, whatever.  Let's see, I've got:
> "What's Related" (==nobody has ever used this)
> "Search" (IE has that as well)
> "Buddy List" (Not sure why my non-AIMable browser would even have such a
> thing)
> "News CNN.com" (Might be worthwhile, if it didn't just display "This tab
> is not available right <truncated>")
> OTOH, what I DON'T seem to have in Maozilla but DO have in IE is
> "History" and "Media".  Ok, I'll give you that "Media" looks pretty
> worthless.

We have history, and also 500 other sidebar tabs that IE doesn't offer. Get your facts
straight before you flame, at the very least.

> > --
> > jesus X  [ Booze-fueled paragon of pointless cruelty and wanton sadism. ]
> >  email   [ jesusx @ who.net ]
> >  web     [ http://burntelectrons.com ] [ Updated April 29, 2001 ]
> >  tag     [ The Universe: It's everywhere you want to be. ]
> >  warning [ All your base are belong to us. ]

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