These days, with the variety of mail clients and personal tastes, it's hard to please everyone.  However, what I'm attempting to do is configure Mozilla mail to send an HTML formatted sig with my HTML format messages.  I send messages in both HTML and text (that might be violating some sort of netiquette in and of itself), and I don't like the idea/appearance of a non-hyperlinked sig (containing e-mail address and web page).  This probably opens up a can of worms as to what's right, what's polite, etc, and at this point, I'm all ears.  I've spent a long time using "The Bat", and now PocoMail for e-mail, and as time's passed, I now prefer sending and receiving e-mail HTML formatted.  It just looks nicer.
Now, as for newsgroup posts, that's a different thing, and I understand that I probably should send in text format. How much of an issue is that these days?
Anyway, the point of my post is this:
I composed a sig file using the "mailto" tag and simple formatting, saved it as an HTM file, and have selected that via Mozilla as my signature file.  I've used the same sig here, so you can bash, er . .  assess what I've done.  For e-mail purposes, is this horribly bad form?  Should I drop the HTML tags, and assume that the recipient's mail client will recognize the e-mail address/URL as such and do on the recieving end what I'm trying to do at composition?  Help!  :)

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